AdVENTURE’s mission is to engage all students in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics through relevant, rigorous curriculum so they will be responsible, active, global citizens in the digital age. AdVENTURE has a culture of high expectations where students form safe and strong relationships with teachers, peers, families, and the community.
AdVENTURE’s vision is to be a school that provides students with the foundation for lifelong learning and resiliency, adept in the use of critical thinking tools and 21st century skills.
- We believe that students learn best when they are active and engaged, therefore we use hands-on activities in our teaching and learning.
- We believe that students learn best when the lessons are relevant to them. We use problem and project based learning to achieve relevance.
- We believe that technology is best learned when taught in conjunction with 21st century skills (communication, collaboration, productivity, leadership, responsibility, accountability, social and cross cultural skills, innovation, creativity, flexibility and adaptability, digital/media literacy).
- We believe that students should practice developing habits of heart and mind (Passion, Effort, Integrity and Self-Motivation)
- We believe that knowledge is continuously made and recreated with multiple perspectives and new evidence, so we value critical dialogue in order to rethink knowledge and problems.
- We believe that people have a responsibility to actively participate in community improvement, so we integrate action projects that invite students to make a difference in the world.
- We believe that students learn best through self-reflection, therefore we provide students with specific feedback through rubrics to guide student reflection and goal-setting.
To learn More or to join our program
Please see our flier, or email us at [email protected]. Call (408) 226-1886 to apply.