Back to School Suggested Supply List 2021/2022
Student supplies are not required but greatly appreciated!
- Suggested supplies for the 2021/2022 school year.
- 5 notebooks (one per class). Please no binders.
- pencils, if mechanical make sure you have extra lead!
- erasers
- backpack (no red)
- earbuds or headphones
- computer mouse (preferably wired, wireless mice require batteries which tend to run out at the most inappropriate times)
Donations-Always Needed
We would be very grateful for classroom donations of the following items:
washable markers card stock
permanent markers chart paper
colored pencils index cards (various sizes)
pencils Post-its
glue paper (colored, college ruled binder, copy, & graph)
glue sticks hand sanitizer and baby wipes*
construction paper air dry clay
scissors whiteboard markers (colored, low odor)
Giftcards from Target, Home Depot, Wal-mart, Office Depot, Staples, or Michael’s, are always helpful for teachers.
*Please note that in compliance with the CA Department of Pesticide Regulations, we are no longer allowed to use sanitizing/disinfecting wipes of any kind (Lysol, Clorox, Kirkland, etc.).
washable markers card stock
permanent markers chart paper
colored pencils index cards (various sizes)
pencils Post-its
glue paper (colored, college ruled binder, copy, & graph)
glue sticks hand sanitizer and baby wipes*
construction paper air dry clay
scissors whiteboard markers (colored, low odor)
Giftcards from Target, Home Depot, Wal-mart, Office Depot, Staples, or Michael’s, are always helpful for teachers.
*Please note that in compliance with the CA Department of Pesticide Regulations, we are no longer allowed to use sanitizing/disinfecting wipes of any kind (Lysol, Clorox, Kirkland, etc.).